It has been brought to my attention that I don't "drop enough bombs" and that I should write about "keeping it real"; I figured I could do both at the same time. And who better than to start with than myself. I have a bomb to drop for those of you who don't have the pleasure of knowing me... I fucking hate retards. Here, let me start in the beginning...
When I was a little girl, much more open and innocent than this meat, gristle, and hatred that writes before you, I changed from a private school to the same public school that my siblings went to. On one of the first days there, we were at recess, and one of the "special ed." kids, a dirty, snot faced little bitch said something that I couldn't make out (for obvious reasons... I don't speak retard). I gave her a standard, "Excuse me", and she disappeared, only to return with another "special ed." mongoloid who stood at least 6 feet tall. Now, that isn't monstrously tall; however, in an elementary school yard, that bastard is looming above everyone else. He walks straight up to me, and punched me with all his retard strength, which is ironically, superior to the strength of normal people. So, there I was, all of seven and bleeding from my face onto my pretty dress. And for what? Because I was normal! Fuck that!! My sister later kicked that kid's ass, but she got suspended, whereas he did not because he was "special". The suspension didn't last because my mother flew off the handle and screamed at the principal, "I don't care how "special" he is. He hit my baby in the face! If I had seen him before her sister did, I may have killed that retarded fucker!" Needless to say, I get my "fiery" temper from my mother. It was years later that I had a chance to seek revenge; I was 18 years old and I saw that the moron worked for Publix (don't they all?!), and I wanted to abandon my cart full of purchased groceries and beat the shit out of him... The ice cream saved his ass that day. Clearly, I have some unresolved feelings.
The truth of the matter is, I think that "special" kids need to go to "special" schools. No fucking the principal Mrs. Gump, take that kid to a special school where he will fit in. I've been called a fascist for this, but I stand my ground. It would only benefit all involved; the mentally challenged won't be mocked and the normal kids won't be subjected to "special" children who arrive in their "special" little, yellow bus with their "special" strength who get out of trouble because they have "special" privileges. I am aware that they don't know any better, and that is my point, they just don't know. They don't know that petting a puppy too hard might break its neck, so you don't hand the retard a puppy, without regard to hurt feelings. Such is schooling, don't put them in a normal public school or they might break necks. If the goal is for retarded kids to go to normal schools because the parents want them to have a normal education like everyone else, then they need to be treated like everyone else, punishments included.
After making comments about pornography and the absence of "gay porn" to my friends, I was told (through laughter, mind you) that I'm going to have retarded kids as punishment for my mocking. If I am ever cursed (or "blessed" as some people say) with a retarded child, I'd like to think I'd love them as I would any child that is mine. I would also like to think I would raise them exactly like I would any other child I birthed. Everything is learned, including acceptable behavior, and that is exactly what I would teach: what is/is not acceptable. None of this "special" bullshit would fly. For me and mine, "special" will be synonymous with exceptional and gifted; therefore, no "special" treatment for being retarded other than a smidgen more patience. I don't believe someone born with an extra chromosome has any more compassion than the average person, so my gut tells me if I did something embarrassing or appeared odd looking to them, a retarded person would laugh and point at me without much reservation. As mush as I dislike retards, I don't mock them or laugh at them (please, I have some decorum); however, I don't handle them with kiddie gloves either. The mentally challenged are not above the laws of etiquette that governs us all, so instead of "special" treatment, perhaps lessons in acceptable behavior would be better suited for everyone. If that is too much to ask for, may those little yellow "special" buses drive those "special" kids to their very own "special" learning environment.
And that's real.