
When witty meets ditsy. It is a phrase coined by my once and future ex-husband to describe the brilliance I will display one second, and the utter stupidity the next. In an attempt to join wit with dits, I bring you Witsy. I would like to hear similar experiences, answer questions, and hopefully learn from and educate others without feeling like a moron about it. I ask everyone to join me in an attempt to brighten up the world, one beautiful mind at a time. Welcome to Witsy.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Rage Against the Monday

Monday Warriors:

On this eve of Independence Day, I feel not at all independent. Perhaps if I were independently wealthy, then I wouldn't be forced to sit at this desk on my least favorite day of the week feeling so lackluster... perhaps... I woke up this morning with immediate awareness that I didn't want to go to work. I mean REALLY didn't want to. That I-don't-care-if-I-get-fired not wanting to go to work. Even though the job is super easy, I'm not bothered much all day, and the money is nice, I just don't want to HAVE to. Wow! On paper I seem like a spoiled brat; perhaps I am. Regardless, being forced to pay homage to the Machine is torture. To hell with the Machine. Would anyone even notice if I neglected the stupid Machine for one lousy day? Sadly, the answer may be "Yes". Sources tell me Big Brother is watching...

After some coaxing from my future ex-husband, (and a bit of growling, I'm sure)I came to the office, unwillingly, unhappily, and worst of all dependently. I'm no Bartleby (the scrivener...it's a Melville reference), so I can't just refuse to work, and refuse to be fired, so I submit to my post and secretly loathe it. Is that how the majority of the working class feel? Am I simply PMSing?
Do I need a vacation? ...I don't flippin' know. Too much work and no play makes anyone a bit moody, but I would expect the feeling to plateau. Instead, I hate work more and more with each passing day. It's not healthy. All I know is that the last thing I feel is Independent when I'm a slave to the Machine.

It could all be that my new "superior" expects me to work tomorrow, on the Fourth of July... a national holiday! If I were in the business of saving lives, yeah, maybe. However, I work in a sales office for remodeled condos! I'm not a trouble maker, but for The Cause, there is no way I'm stepping foot in this office on Tuesday; Wednesday is still up in the air because France plays Portugal in the WC semis and I sooo don't want to miss either team... I digress. I just need to run away, which is such a juvenile thought, but it's true. All I want is to get away from here, it seems like my only option for instant gratification.

Where? Unknown. How long? Negative. With whom? Who's coming with me?...



  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Not So Cosmo said…

    "Jan... Thank you, Jan!"

    Agent Smith, you're the best. I sometimes lose sight that I can kick this Machine's ass, but you always set me straight. I'll keep my eye on the prize... As for 2008 YES!!! and 2010 YES(maybe). LOL! I heart futbol, but South Africa kind of scares me. Although a sooner getaway is definitely in order, I do enjoy daydreaming about the future.



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